Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini is a socio-academic initiative inspired and launched by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on 23rd November 2010. With a high level objective of making education Insightful, Inspiring, Enjoyable and Participative, Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini envisions ushering in a seamless and synergistic spirit of volunteerism into the field of education. The Programme encourages teachers from elite schools like the Banyan Tree Schools to work with IT volunteers to create high quality Lesson Plans and Power Point Presentations that are then taken to rural schools for delivery in the classroom.
Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini is an open-ended project to harness technology as the key enabler to replicate on a national scale, the success of the model of Integral Education - combining value based education with academic excellence.
The project aims :
To ignite young minds with insightful and noble ideas thereby widening their horizons
To Infuse education with human values
To make the process of teaching – learning enjoyable, by building upon and sharing best practices
To channelize the capabilities of youth towards self - rewarding service.
Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini program aims at integrating values in an innovative way into the school curriculum through Education in Human Values. The guiding principles of the project are:
To make 'Human Value Based Secular Information' available free to rural children.
To use technology to facilitate greater percolation of educational initiative.
It makes school education simpler, easier and much more innovative. It motivates the students more, as the curriculum is combined with human values and taught via animations, pictures and multimedia technologies for 6th to 10th standards in the rural and semi-urban schools
Schools today have been reduced to an instrument of the state to create bread winners and only provide technical knowledge and skills. Through the implementation of the Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Programme the school intends for value education discourses to be conducted by teachers in their classrooms. There is a need for the children to break the shackles of superficiality, to look beyond the materialistic aspects and to move towards more humane characteristics of mutual love understanding, harmony and character building. Education would, hence, become the most potent tool to build strong moral, ethical and spiritual values.
The programme was all about the need of the hour - the inculcation of value education in the daily pedagogic discourses. The programme speaks about -why students and teachers play an imperative role in achieving an inner calm and peace of mind in the world which is in turmoil. Simple yet effective techniques to inculcate values in students were introduced. Teachers have to sow the seeds of discipline, duty and devotion by touching the hearts of these young boys and girls. Motivating and inspiring the students creating and inducing a healthy environment , honing human values –love, truth, dharma, peace and non-violence by developing skills like self help, self confidence, etc. Thus, nurturing and developing a meaningful existence –we need to touch the young hearts.
For a successful implementation of the programme the school has developed a strong alliance between the parents and the teachers, so that the home of the learners becomes an extension of the reinforcement of the values being taught at school.